Wednesday, December 21, 2016

You Know Who You Are...

I received this card Monday, and I'm still gobsmacked. It's been a lot of years since I've had a Secret Santa-type person sending me a card. No return address. An illegible postmark. An initial for a signature. Just a heartwarming message inside. Not much for this amateur sleuth to go on, so all I will say is...

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It's readers like you who make this blog a labor of love. Happy Holidays and the Best of all possible New Years to you and yours!



  1. What a lovely mystery!! I promise it wasn't I who sent the card, but you do bring a lot of warmth and happiness to the blogosphere. And great book reviews. I'm glad you got that reminder of how much you mean to us.

    1. I'm still stunned, but in a very happy way. :-)


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