Monday, June 06, 2016

Craig Johnson at The Poisoned Pen!

There is a perk or two to be had if you do a bit of volunteer work like I do for my favorite bookstore. The Poisoned Pen's Web Content Manager, Jeff Kronenfeld, is doing an excellent job with the store's social media. That's where I come in; the bookstore's Pinterest board is my baby. Jeff takes photos at many of their events and sends them to me to include on Pinterest. So sometimes-- like with Craig Johnson's recent event for The Highwayman-- if I can't make it, I still feel as though I had gone, and it's all due to the magic of the digital age.

Since many of you fellow Craig Johnson fans can't go to one of his events, I thought I'd share with you. You can left click on any of the photos to see them in more detail, and the very special goodie is at the end.

Photo credit: Jeff Kronenfeld

At any bookstore event, one of the best things is being able to talk with fellow fans, and a lot of these conversations seems to start at the author's book table!

Photo credit: Jeff Kronenfeld

Craig Johnson always packs the house. There are people seated in nooks and crannies that you can't see in this photo.

Photo credit: Jeff Kronenfeld

Craig, walking through a sea of fans. This was his second appearance in the Phoenix metro area that day.

Photo credit: Jeff Kronenfeld

Here you get to see one of those "nooks and crannies." You can also see the "Livestream camera" on the right. 

Photo credit: Jeff Kronenfeld

Craig has been to The Poisoned Pen for every single one of his books-- even in the beginning when he had to do it on his own dime. One time in those early days, he came down here from his home in Wyoming on his motorcycle!

Photo credit: Jeff Kronenfeld

The whole time he's here, Craig has us eating out of the palm of his hand in no time flat. You can see him working his magic here. (Isn't that right, Virginia?)

Photo credit: Jeff Kronenfeld

Signing lines can move slowly at a Craig Johnson event because he genuinely loves to talk with all his fans and listen to their stories. That... and the fact that the line is never ever a short one!

Photo credit: Jeff Kronenfeld

Craig has to have a horrible case of writer's cramp after one of these events!

Although they don't make every event available (sometimes the authors just prefer the freedom of speaking without being recorded), The Poisoned Pen does have many of its events archived on their Livestream channel. I thought I'd share Craig's with all of you. If the embedded video does not work properly, you can go directly to it on The Poisoned Pen Livestream channel.


  1. Oh, my, lucky you, Cathy!! Craig Johnson? What a fun night you had! I really do enjoy your PP writeups.

  2. I have seen him twice in person, what a great speaker! Love your recap of your event!

  3. Great write-up and photos. Will watch the video.

  4. Cool! I'll have to come back for it when I'm not running on four hours' sleep, though.

  5. The video is great. Next best thing to being there.
    The internet was definitely a step forward in communication.


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