Monday, October 05, 2015

My Wee Trip to the UK

Denis and I have been back from the UK for a few days now, and I'd planned on having the beginning post of my travel tales ready for you to read today. But it didn't happen.

I'm still wiped out. Two knees giving me lots of grief. Unpacking. Laundry. Cooking. Going through hundreds of photos until I was worried about my eyeballs blowing a fuse. Lots of promised reviews to write. So...

...I thought I'd let you know that we made it back to Phoenix and that we had a marvelous time. Travel tales will be forthcoming, though I'm not going to promise a date. 

And here's a little teaser for you: the view from our cottage in Scotland. Now you might see why it was so very easy for me to go internet free for two weeks!

Balnakeil Beach, Scotland


  1. So glad you had such a wonderful time, Cathy! Rest up and I'll be looking forward to the stories you brought back.

  2. Welcome home! I love the view and am glad you enjoyed your stay!

  3. I'm so happy that you and Denis had a good trip. I know you were looking forward to it. Will love seeing your travels - but no rush, Cathy. Take care and we'll be around whenever the mood strikes you. Beautiful picture. Did I tell you that we are planning a trip to the UK in 2017? Scotland will be on the agenda - the golf, you know. LOL

  4. So beautiful-- I have Scotland on my bucket list. Can't wait to see more photos, and welcome back!

    1. I hope you get the chance to visit Scotland. I love it there!

  5. I had no idea you'd come over to the UK... for some reason I thought you'd been to Bisbee, AZ. I'm easily confused. LOL! Glad you had a fantastic time though... how could you not with a view like that!

    1. I lull everyone into a false sense of security-- letting them think that we only go to Bisbee-- then we hare thousands of miles away from home! LOL

  6. Oh, lovely! What a view. Well worth no internet for two weeks.

    My knees are busy empathizing with your knees. Ugh.

    1. Yes. *sigh* Cool, damp weather gets mine every time.

  7. Welcome back! So glad you and Denis had a terrific time.

    Can't wait to read about it and see photos, but all in good time -- after you have rested your knees and had a break from all the work of the return home from a vacation.

    That photo is gorgeous, reminding me that parts of Scotland are among the most beautiful on the planet.


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