Friday, December 30, 2011

A Weekly Link Round-Up on the Run

Not many links this week because my attention has been focused elsewhere-- like reading Nevada Barr's latest Anna Pigeon mystery, compiling my year-end statistics, and various other things. I did manage to go to Target yesterday and wander through the Christmas clearance before I picked up the needed food items. I picked up several goodies that I'll be using next year when I decorate. Fun, fun, fun!

Before I share my latest links offerings with you, I just want to wish you all a Happy New Year. May 2012 be an unending source of joy and laughter!

Bookish News & Other Interesting Stuff

  • Poisoned Pen Press has an eBook special going that no fan of crime fiction should ignore. They have priced 10 great eBooks for just 99¢ apiece. They are almost all "first in series" and several are from my favorite authors like Donis Casey, Vicki Delany, Mary Anna Evans, Jon Talton, and Betty Webb. The price is perfect-- take a look and indulge yourselves!

That's it for this week's abbreviated round-up. Don't forget to stop by next weekend when I'll have a freshly selected batch of links for your surfing pleasure!


  1. Thanks for the link to the eBook sale! I purchased two! :)

  2. ToJ-- Hurray! I could be nosy and ask which two, but they're all such excellent choices that it doesn't matter! :)


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