Saturday, October 16, 2010

Weekly Link Round-Up

It's been a quiet week with the only blip on my radar being a lovely soul who hacked into my Yahoo email account, sent everyone on my contact list spam, erased all the email I was saving, and erased my entire contact list. Good thing I was phasing that account out, isn't it?

On an entirely different note: I've been reading (and enjoying) Tarquin Hall's The Case of the Missing Servant. The main character is a private investigator who lives in Delhi, India. He makes his driver obey all the rules of the road, including the speed limits, and his driver doesn't like that one little bit. I would've found this amusing but not thought much of it if I hadn't watched the first two episodes of IRT: Deadliest Roads on the History Channel. The first two episodes show the participating drivers trying to get their trucks out of Delhi in one piece. I have decided that I don't want to find myself on any road in India unless I'm drugged to the gills and past caring!

On to the links!

Bookish News & Other Fun Stuff

Blogging & Social Media

Around the Water Cooler in the Book Blogosphere

New to My Google Reader

Hope you found some goodies in that group. Don't forget to stop by next Friday when I'll have a fresh batch of links for your surfing pleasure. See you then!


    1. Great updates for the week. Sorry about the account hacking, though. I have a Yahoo account but I seldom use it.

    2. Cathy - I always love your weekly roundup - very helpful :-)

    3. Yikes, I'd better get a move on reading the Harper Connelly series.

    4. Love the informative and in-depth.

      Thanks for all the info and the links.

      Stop by my blog if you like.

      I am a subscriber

    5. Mystica-- You're welcome!

      Alice-- I used to use mine quite a bit, so there were quite a few email addresses in my contact list... unfortunately!

      Margot-- Thank you!

      Beth-- Might be a good idea! ;)

      Elizabeth-- I'm glad you like it. :)

    6. Oh no, really sorry to hear about your e-mail account. That is never fun!

    7. Amy-- No, it's not, but it's a seldom-used account in which I didn't keep anything of major importance. (Always look on the bright side of life....)

    8. sorry to hear about your yahoo account! I'm excited about the Harper Connelly series too!

    9. oh..and I forgot to mention that because of this post I'm not watching IRT Deadliest Roads. haha!

    10. Kris-- Might be a very good idea about IRT Deadliest Roads! LOL


    Thank you for taking the time to make a comment. I really appreciate it!