Sunday, November 22, 2009

Mailbox Monday---Quality Over Quantity

I sent 9 books to new Paperback Swap foster homes last week and only received ONE. It was definitely a case of Quality over Quantity!

Here's the scoop on the one book that I did find in my mailbox:

Mistress of the Art of Death by Ariana Franklin (PBS).
"Had Ellis Peters's Brother Cadfael been born a few decades later, he might have found a worthy associate and friend in Dr. Vesuvia Adelia Rachel Ortese Aguilar of Salerno, a short and short-tempered medieval coroner hired in secret by King Henry II to find out who's behind the horrific murders of Christian children in Cambridge, England. Prominent local Jews stand accused; Henry wants them freed, mostly for the sake of their tax revenue. As Adelia examines the children's bodies and gets to know the people of Cambridge, she has no trouble assembling a long list of suspects, but she encounters considerable difficulty trying to narrow it down, a struggle in which the reader gladly joins her."

A big Thank You once again to Marcia of The Printed Page for hosting my favorite meme. If you'd like to see what books other folks found in their mailboxes (and what bookaholic doesn't?), just click on that redhead in the flirty skirt at the top of this post to be taken directly to the heart of the action. See you next week!


  1. I read that book this summer and really liked it. Happy reading! :)

  2. The cover and the description make it seem like a good and intense book. Hope you enjoy it!

  3. I also scored this book as a swap a few weeks ago - looks like a good read ahead for both of us :)

  4. Sounds interesting, I hope you will enjoy it :D

  5. Oh my gosh, you are unbelievable! I can't let my husband see this post.

  6. Katy-- Thanks for the thumbs up!

    Mary-- Thanks. I've heard a lot of good things about the book from fellow readers that I trust, so I'm looking forward to reading it.

    Bernadette-- It certainly does! :)

    Blodeuedd-- I hope I will, too!

    Kathy-- If it makes you feel any better, I have an Alibris order heading my way!

  7. Happy reading. Looks like a good book!


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