Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What Slanguage Do You Speak?

You Speak Aussie Slang

Aussie Slang: 100%

British Slang: 75%

Canadian Slang: 75%

Prison Slang: 50%

Victorian Slang: 50%

Southern Slang: 25%

I've had people tell me that I talk funny. I guess they knew what they were talking about!


  1. You Speak Aussie Slang
    Aussie Slang: 50%

    Prison Slang: 50%

    British Slang: 25%

    Canadian Slang: 25%

    Southern Slang: 25%

    New England Slang: 0%

    Haha now why do I speak Aussie and Prison slang, lol

  2. Oh gee, I speak Prison Slang!!! That's quite interesting considering I didn't know half the words in the test lol!

  3. This is *fabulous!* I'm a linguist, so I find the language/slanguage people use absolutely fascinating. Thanks!

  4. I speak Aussie slang too but in different percentages:
    Aussie Slang: 75%

    Canadian Slang: 50%

    New England Slang: 50%

    Prison Slang: 50%

    Southern Slang: 50%

    British Slang: 25%

    I'm not quite sure why I'm better at Prison Slang than I am at British Slang . . . Hummmmm.

  5. This is hilarious. I'm 50% Aussie, 50% Canadian, 50% British, 50% New England = 200% one mixed-up lady. No wonder people can't understand me.

  6. This was funny! My not so surprising results are:

    Southern Slang: 100%

    British Slang: 25%

    Canadian Slang: 25%

    New England Slang: 25%

    Aussie Slang: 0%

    Prison Slang: 0%

  7. I scored 100% on Aussie slang too, and I've never even been there! 50% on both Canadian and Southern slang (hmm, talk about going from one extreme to the other), 25% each for British, New England, and prison slang.

    That was fun - thanks, Cathy!

  8. LOL, I speak Aussie slang as well...hmmm

  9. Oh well, I speak British slang - no surprises there then!

  10. Blodeuedd-- I could say the same thing, especially since my results were 100% Aussie!

    Lilly-- Yes, that is an interesting outcome!

    Margot K-- You're welcome! I find it fascinating, too.

    Beth-- I'd hmmm over that myself!

    Jen-- I was a bit disappointed that my Southern percentage was very low. My English husband must be having more of an effect on my speech patterns than I realized!

    Barbara-- I have the same problem! Either that... or they laugh so hard when I'm speaking that they lose the conversational thread! LOL

    Kathy-- Now yours definitely fits you!

    Florinda-- You're welcome! I love quizzes like this.

    Louise-- I'm beginning to think that this quiz was rigged! LOL

    Margaret-- You and Kathy help keep the quiz honest. :) And the US is supposed to be a melting pot, so it shouldn't come as any real surprise that our slanguage is a bit confused!

  11. Aussie Slang: 75%

    British Slang: 50%

    Southern Slang: 50%

    Canadian Slang: 25%

    Prison Slang: 25%

    Victorian Slang: 25%

    Lucky seeing as I am 100% Aussie! LOL!

  12. Marg-- Better than mine, since I've never been to Oz! LOL

  13. Okay I had NO idea what some of these were. A chaz? Never heard of any of these explanations! Same goes for most of them. I didn't even bother finishing because I was just marking the most interesting choice instead of what I "know" it to be. Oh well.

  14. Rebecca-- I've had similar reactions to other quizzes that I've taken. :)

  15. LOL - no surprise for me then. 75% British slang and 75% New England slang and a mixture of 50% others.


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