Sunday, October 04, 2009

Weekly Link Round-Up

I'm heading toward the homestretch in Flesh House by Stuart MacBride (one of my favorite authors), so pardon me if I cut directly to the links so I can get back to reading!

Bookish News
Social Media & Blogging Tips
Around the Water Cooler in the Book Blogosphere
New to My Google Reader
That's all for this week, folks! I hope you find an item or two that tickles your fancy. Don't forget to stop by next week when I'll have a new batch of links for you!

All right, Flesh I come!


  1. A lot of things for me to do a rainy lazy Sunday afternoon, thanks Cathy ;)

  2. I've only been to one of those book shops too! I loved my time in Barter books and I recommend you pay it a visit if you are ever in Alwick (Anwick Castle is where much of Harry Potter was filmed, so it is great for that too!) Which book shop did you get to?

    Thanks for the link!

  3. These links are really helpful :) Thanks!

  4. I just want you to know how much I look forward to this weekly post. Your blog is the first one I select when I wake up on Sunday mornings, and I know that all the links will be valuable and enjoyable.

    Thanks so much for making my week each and every week :)

  5. Finally! - I succeeded in tearing myself away from your post ;)

  6. Thanks for the love! So funny that two of us, on the same day, used the same word to describe different things!

  7. As usual, a great list and a bunch of stuff I have to look into!! Never enough time!

    And I do think Jackie's advice for beginning bloggers was wonderful!

  8. Yay! New blogs to check out (one of my favorite features of yours). I'm a member of the NBCC, so I had seen that link, but I had forgotten about the living with a book blogger.

  9. It took me more than a Sunday to finish this up but well worth it. I especially liked the article on Tony Hillerman. I'd forgotten his first novel and it made me search through our stash to find it. I'm going to go back and re-read that one and, who knows, maybe all of them. Thanks Cathy. I know this post must be a lot of work but I, for one, really love it.

  10. Hi Cathy! Thanks for promoting The Bookshelf Project.

  11. AHHH! I'm so behind! And now I'm behind-er because I have to read all these good links you've collected! Thanks, I think.

  12. Blodeuedd--You're welcome. I wish we'd get a rainy Sunday here sometime soon!

    Jackie-- Barter Books is the book shop where I parted with some hard-earned money!

    Margot--You're welcome. I'm glad you find them helpful!

    Molly-- What a wonderful thing to say. You've made my day!

    Dorte-- Ouch! Was it painful?

    WordLily--I thought that was quite serendipitous, too!

    Jenners-- It was. I thought Jackie did an excellent job!

    Beth--I always pay attention to the "new blogs" section whenever I find them on my Google Reader travels. You never know when you're going to meet a kindred spirit!

    Margot-- Oddly enough, it's not as much work as one might think... mainly because so many of you find it worthwhile.

    Peter-- You're welcome! I'd participate, but I have 27 bookcases in this house!

    Jeanne-- You're welcome... I think. ;)

  13. Thanks for getting more votes for me - you are wonderful! :)

  14. Great to do when I can't get out fishing due to bad weather rain etc. Great!!

  15. Capt John--Glad you like it. Thanks for stopping by!


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