Friday, September 04, 2009

It's Time for...Friday Feud!

It's September already? Where'd August go? Oh well. Another Friday is here, and you all know what that means.... It's time for another edition of Friday Feud here at Kittling: Books.

Let's get the rules out of the way first:

--Try your very best not to duplicate answers, but if you feel you must, put your own unique spin on your answer.

--Please leave all answers here in the comments section of this post.

That didn't hurt too much now, did it? Now that the rules are done and dusted, let's play The Feud!

This week's question:

Name a famous William.


  1. William "Billy" McMahon, Australia's seventh Prime Minister. He's remembered by me mostly because he invented the Federal Police Force after somebody threw an egg at his hat.

  2. William the Conqueror
    We all know who he was

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Since I just finished listening to Losing Mum and Pup, I'm going to say William F. Buckley, Jr.

  5. I really look forward to your Friday Feud!
    How about Sir William Wallace (Braveheart).

  6. William Shatner, the legendary and one true captain of the USS Enterprise. Well, he played him anyway. :)

  7. The current Prince William. (second in line to the throne)

  8. Dang it, Trisha!! You took mine! (Geeks unite!) And Jo-Jo took my backup. Sigh. I'll have to go with William Gates.

  9. Not sure if this counts as "famous," but well-known to fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: William the Bloody, the vampire also known as Spike.

  10. Can I be greedy and name three? (I'm a cowboy fan on the quiet.)

    Buffalo Bill
    Wild Bill Hickok
    Billy the Kid

  11. Dang and blast, got here too late! How about Pearl Bailey's "Bill". You're probably too young to remember that song.

  12. How about the poet William Butler Yeats!

    That's my Irish side showing through!

  13. King William IV. He was king of England when South Australia was settled. His wife was Adelaide after whom our capital was named. Our central street is King William Street.

  14. Prince William, of course :)

  15. All my Williams have been taken so I opt for the silly answer: Willy-Nilly :D

  16. I normally don't throw in my two cents, but I can't help myself...

    William Faulkner
    William Tell

  17. William Morris

    William Wordsworth

    William Wallace

    William Pitt the Younger 2x Prime Minister

  18. William Rufus (early King of England)


Thank you for taking the time to make a comment. I really appreciate it!