Sunday, August 09, 2009

Weekly Link Round-Up

I'm right in the middle of an excellent mystery, so I'm going to cut back a bit on the chit chat and start right on the links. That book is yelling at me, the noisy thing!

Bookish News and Other Tidbits
  • I would imagine that many of you are familiar with Lolcats. You had to know it was coming: Loldogs!
  • Several book bloggers post about covers that have caught their eye, covers that they think are similar or beautiful or ugly. But I haven't really seen any posts about the covers of old books. They can be quite beautiful, too. Thanks to Abe Books for this article!
  • Once again, the Guardian has a book list: the Top 10 Time-Traveling Stories.
  • Recently I posted about a nature documentary that I particularly enjoyed. Now I find out that a British film crew was here in Arizona filming our ants!
  • Having read the book, I was interested in seeing the first trailer for Peter Jackson's movie version of The Lovely Bones.
  • It's the fortieth anniversary of the Manson Murders, and Vincent Bugliosi's Helter Skelter, written about these horrific crimes, still remains one of the best true crime books ever written. That book still makes the hairs stand on the back of my neck!
Around the Water Cooler in the Book Blogosphere
Blogging and Technical Tips
  • If you need step-by-step instructions on how to add certain types of HTML code to your blog, w3schools is an excellent resource.
  • Do you use Blogger? Would you like to have a "related posts" widget at the bottom of each of your posts?
  • Daily Blog Tips talks about 8 Post Types to Expand and Highlight Your Blog's Content. If you're wondering why I have two links for basically the exact same thing, think about it. How many posts do you have on your blog? How often does a visitor actually access the older ones? I would imagine that your newest posts are the ones that hog almost all the attention. Well, your older posts deserve some love, too!
  • Blogging Basics 101 has an excellent article about Blog Design: Keep It Clutter-Free and User-Friendly.
New to My Google Reader
That's it for this week. Don't forget to stop by next Sunday for a brand-new batch of links for your surfing pleasure!


  1. Some good links in there, will have a look :)

  2. Good stuff! I wish wordpress allowed the related posts widget, I think that is really cool and I have used it on blogs that I have seen with it.

  3. Thanks especially for the technical tips. I can use the help.

  4. I just love this weekly feature!

    I had not heard of Lolcats but you can be sure that I added Loldogs to my favorite places :)

    I need to add labels to my posts for the reasons you give: the older posts do deserve some lovin'

  5. Like Jackie I was so surprised when I realized there were authors who found my blog interesting enough to comment on my reviews, oblige me when I asked them to write a post - and send me free books :D

    I have read, enjoyed and reviewed my Irish gift, by the way.

  6. Great links!

    Sheila (bookjourney) - there is a related post widget for wordpress. I don't use it so can't remember what it's called, but Rebecca Reads uses it, so you could ask her or just search the wordpress site.

  7. A Wonderful Weekly Round-Up! (as usually I might add!) I just loved the Lolcats and Loldogs!

    And what wonderful old covers to books! Funny how now the book industry is starting to abandon dust jackets and make covers like these again. (not as lovely though!) I have always been a sucker for old books, just because of their covers- now I feel among friends! :D

    And thanks for the link to the HTML help. I'm always looking for some tips! Too bad Staples doesn't offer an Easy button form HTML!

    Have a great week!

  8. You're welcome, everyone--I'm so glad you enjoy this weekly feature!

    I truly think this Round-Up has been the best so far because you were helping each other here in the comments. Thank YOU!


Thank you for taking the time to make a comment. I really appreciate it!