Friday, July 03, 2009

It's Time for...Friday Feud!

It's time for another edition of Friday Feud here at Kittling: Books. The rules are few and simple:

--Do not duplicate answers.
--Post all your answers in the comments section of this post.

Now that we've got that stuff out of the way, it's time to play the Feud!

This week's question:

Name something that would absolutely ruin your vacation.


  1. bad weather

    (p.s. look at you with all these nifty new buttons! good job!)

  2. If someone in my family were kidnapped! Yikes.

  3. Stranded in an airport during a snowstorm. (Been there)

  4. No books to read. It happened to us in China and was a severe test of my mental health and my marriage!

  5. For me it would be going on vacation without Denis. I can't imagine not sharing that time with him.

    Sheri--Oh...praise from a master button maker! I'm so chuffed!

  6. How about what I did on the 1st? Sank our boat with all of our luggage in it. We're still trying to dry out all my books (and the electronics are toast).

  7. Probably Losing all of my past-times. Aka- Books. :P

  8. Apart from all of the above - getting sunburnt.


Thank you for taking the time to make a comment. I really appreciate it!