Sunday, May 17, 2009

Weekly Link Round-Up

It's been an interesting week. Lots of procedural changes at work with a variety of learning curves for all involved. There's a feral cat intent on killing all the birds and knocking over all the birdbaths and fountains in my back garden. I'm now using my summer reading spot, so I'm spiffing it up a bit. Expect a photo in the near future on a Saturday Soliloquy post. And...for some reason, Twitter is trying to make me think that I'm the only Twit left in the universe. I can only see my own Tweets. Until that's sorted out, I'll be cut off from everyone. To get my mind off that, how's about some links?

What We're Talking About
  • Book bloggers are an online community, and as such, we should have a place where we can celebrate some of life's events. Meghan, Amy and Michele did just that, starting the Book Blog Social Club!
  • April of Cafe of Dreams has a post, Susan Boyle's Gift, for anyone who's following the singer from Britain's Got Talent.
  • Natalie of Book, Line, and Sinker wants to know WHY did you start your blog?
  • Proving that it's not always about books, the Dove Grey Reader has a post about some vintage knitting patterns that she uncovered recently. What a trip down Memory Lane!
  • Lisa of Books On the Brain would like to know if we should (or should not) rate books when we review them.
  • Beth of Beth Fish Reads wrote a mini-review of a book she didn't finish and wonders about our reactions to it.
Bookish News & Shopping
Blogging & Techie Stuff

Blogs I Discovered in the Past Week

That's it for this week. What's in store for next Sunday? Only The Shadow knows!


  1. That is a very cute watch Cathy. I laughed at the article suggesting bookstores charge admission to encourage the 'right' kind of customers - I sometimes get annoyed at the number of people in our local Borders too - but I figure their business model must think it worthwhile otherwise they'd remove the sofas, coffee shop and other attractions. If I don't feel like competing with the crowds I simply don't go there - I would never suggest the store change its policy

  2. I love the staircases Cathy.

  3. Cool staircases!

    I got my deck furniture out this week and if it ever stops raining I'll be out there reading!

  4. You always have such great sets of links! Thanks!

  5. Thanks for the great links and thanks for mentioning page247.

  6. Super set of links. I ran into a few of these this week but I'm off to check out all the others I missed.

  7. I really like your weekly link roundup - you always find some great things. The watch is nice!

  8. There are some really good links here. Thanks Cathy.

  9. Bernadette--I'm in complete agreement. If I didn't like the crowd in the bookstore, I simply wouldn't go!

    Thanks for stopping by, Kerrie!

    Beth--I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! As you well know, it's rare to have a day here where the rain keeps me inside!

    Thanks, Rhapsody!

    Gavin--You're welcome. I enjoy your blog!

    Margot--thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoy the links you missed. :)

    Belle--I thought you might like that watch!

    You're welcome, Jenny. Thanks for stopping by!


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