Sunday, April 12, 2009

Weekly Link Round-Up

Even though I have a house filled with family from the UK, I've still managed to sneak in some browsing time. Let's see what sort of links I have for you this week....

Interesting Posts from Fellow Book Bloggers
New to My Google Reader
Blogging Tips
  • Paula Krapf has written an excellent article about good PR practices and book bloggers. Unfortunately not all publishers follow her advice!
  • Someone leave a nasty comment on one of your blog posts? Here are 5 Tips on how to handle it.
  • The Blog Herald also posted about Google Analytics and why it might be a good idea to see if your code is up to date.
Social Media
Bookish Tidbits
That's it for this week. (That's quite enough, innit?) If you're wondering how I managed to get this many links with a houseful of people, well...they're not here 24/7. There are times that everyone else is out and about, and I'm here with my niece Suzanne. I can browse and chat at the same time. There are also times that everyone else is out and about except for one of the kids and me. Daisy or Luke have been happily sitting at Denis's laptop, leaving me to carry on. (Sometimes at least one person gets left behind because there are six people here, and the largest vehicle we have only holds five behinds. Several times they've wanted to go to Target, and since I work there, I'm more than happy to have my behind be the one left behind!)

We've rented a mini-van for our overnight trip up to the Grand Canyon, so there'll be plenty of room for all our behinds and luggage. See you next week with another batch of links!


  1. Great links. I clicked through to 6+ of them and I took the survey!

  2. Happy Easter - I hope you're enjoying your company.

  3. I just love this weekly feature - you do such a thorough job (and with out-of-town guests in the house!!)

    Thanks for all the links to new blogs -- I will become a regular follower of many of them.

    I hope you have a blessed Easter!

  4. Thanks for including me on your list! I like this idea!

  5. You work at Target? I adore that place! There hasn't been one near me since I moved down here to Mississippi but they're finally almost through building one!

  6. I love the bookworm's site! Thanks for sharing these links.

  7. Thanks, Beth!

    Lenore--I'm glad to see that you took the survey!

    Kathy--I am enjoying my company, although I'm not used to having two small shadows following me everywhere!

    Molly--I'm so glad you enjoy the links!

    Robin--You're welcome! I got the idea for the New to My Google Reader from Florinda, and I think it will be incorporated into this post each week. There are many ways for us book bloggers to get the word out about each other!

    Jen--I've worked for Target for over 25 years. Been a change or two during that time, I'll have you know! LOL

    Serena--You're welcome! I'm glad you liked them.


Thank you for taking the time to make a comment. I really appreciate it!