Friday, March 20, 2009

It's Time for Friday Feud!

Welcome to this week's edition of Friday Feud here at Kittling: Books! The rules are simple:
  1. Do not duplicate answers.
  2. Post all your answers here in the comments section of this post.
Now...let's play The Feud! This week's question:

Name someone you'd be embarrassed to be drunk in front of.


  1. Oh good one! Everyone! Which is why I've never been drunk! Ha!

  2. My husband (although theoretically is could happen, because he doesn't drink at all and I do on occasion)

  3. I have been told I am an excellent drunk, so, as long as there is no karaoke involved, nobody.

  4. Having grown up with a reformed alcoholic in the family, I would definitely have to say MY GRANDFATHER. Yikes! Just thinking about him seeing me drunk gives me the heebie jeebies!


Thank you for taking the time to make a comment. I really appreciate it!