Title: Murder on Monday
Author: Ann Purser
ISBN: 0425192970/Berkley Prime Crime
Protagonist: wife/mum/house cleaner Lois Meade
Setting: Long Farnden, a small English village, present-day
Series: #1
Rating: B-
First Line: In the damp, raw cold of a winter's evening the women sat in rows in Long Farnden village hall, not listening to an elderly Land Girl's memories of "Life on the Farm During the War."
Lois Meade was a bit of a rebel when she was a teenager. If someone told her to do something, she almost always went out of her way to do the exact opposite. Now she's happily married, and once the third child arrived, she decided to clean houses to earn some extra cash. When Gloria Hathaway is murdered in the Long Farnden village hall, Lois realizes that all the people she works for knew the murdered woman. Having recently had her application for Special Constable rejected, Lois doesn't exactly jump at the chance to help the police with their investigation, but as she cleans house after house, she can't help noticing things. Could one of her employers be a cold-blooded killer?
Ann Purser does an excellent job of delineating her characters. Lois is Every Woman. She's married to a likable bloke, one of her children is a typical teenager, and she works for a living. Although she takes pride in her work, her family comes first--and her family life doesn't always run smoothly. This first book in the series sets up the characters quite well, but I sussed the killer quite early. The book lacked any real suspense, the mystery seemed to drag a bit, and my interest flagged. I have ordered the next book in the series because I would like to see the "house" Purser builds from her foundation of characters.
Ooh, I do love a good British mystery. Sounds like you found one.