Thursday, October 30, 2008

Friday Fill-Ins #96

--My favorite food seasoning is pepper (and not just black).

--Laughter is music to my ears.

--Lucky is being married to Denis.

--My job is something I take very seriously.

--Many people think I'm a bit strange.

--Our Christmas cards, hearing aid batteries and Duma Key were the last things I bought at the store. (Today, even. First time I've been in Costco in over a year. I send Denis in normally. He doesn't overspend or stop at the book tables!)

Happy Weekend, everyone! To join in this fun meme, or to see other folks' answers, click on the Friday Fill-Ins graphic at the top of this post.


  1. I really enjoyed Duma was like vintage Stephen King! Thanks for playing, have fun this weekend :-)

  2. I love pepper too! Here in Cambodia, the locals mix ground black pepper with salt and chopped fresh chilli -- how's that for seasoning?

    Have a great weekend!

    Sreisaat Adventures

  3. It is time to think about Christmas cards.

  4. awww @ #3. We'll be making our Christmas cards here very soon, I'm glad I'm not the only one who starts early :o)
    Hope you have a relaxing weekend, and Happy Halloween!

  5. My husband has gotten me in the habit of putting pepper on my fries when I dare to eat them. I still need to pick up holiday cards. Ugh. I completely forgot! I hope you have a great week.


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