Today's question: Members who have your books. Do you ever look at this feature? Do you use it to make LT friends, or compare notes? There are three tabs- weighted, raw, and recent. "Weighted," which means "weighted by book obscurity and library size" is probably the least self-explanatory of the three, whereas "raw" and "recent" are more so. Do you get any kind of use out of this feature?
I have to admit that I tend to pay a lot of attention to this feature. With the weighted feature, one of my best book buddies is always on top. Now that I belong to Paperback Swap, I'm a fanatic about deleting books from my library that I've mailed out--and adding the ones that I receive. Knowing the similarities in our reading tastes, I can almost always tell which book I've deleted or entered has changed the number!
As far as the libraries of people I'm not acquainted with, I'll admit that I'm nosy. If someone seems to have quite a few similar titles, I'll check out his/her library and click on "Books You Share". If the list of shared books is a list of my very favorites, I'll make a comment on that person's page, or mark them as an "Interesting Library" so it's easier for me to keep track of new additions. I've made a few friends this way, and we share new authors that we find, or try to brainstorm how to bring more attention to one of our favorite authors.
I like the "Books You Share" too - I'll see if we share any.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could get some of my reading buddies on LT to see just how similar our tastes are.
ReplyDeleteWow! 3500 books. I keep very few of the books I read. Our house is about 3000 square feet, but I can't stand clutter.
ReplyDeleteIt would break my heart to delete a book from my library! Of course I use LT just to catalouge the books I've read, not the ones I own.
ReplyDeleteSounds like you've gotten a lot of use out of this feature :)
ReplyDeleteit's fun to check around LT :-)
ReplyDeleteI am getting pretty fanatical about updating my library when I get a new book, but I haven't though of seeing how it changes the numbers. I'll be paying more attention now :)
ReplyDeleteOf all the posts about this question, you seem to use the "similar libraries" feature more than most people! There's something for everyone in the multi-faceted world of LT!