Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Reader's Artist: Deborah DeWit Marchant

Not only am I an unrepentant lover of books, I'm also a lover of nature, of light, and of art. I came across this artist's works in a calendar, and it was love at first sight. Deborah DeWit Marchant has a way of combining books, light and nature that is unique. After I received that calendar, it was only a matter of minutes until I was Googling away. A few minutes after that, I'd told Amazon to send me a copy of In the Presence of Books. It is one of my favorite books of art.

I sent an email to Deborah to ask permission to showcase some of her art on my blog. She very graciously consented. I intend to share periodically one of her works with all of you. The one you see today is The Reader, and it shows, not only a wonderful talent, but a little slice of heaven!


  1. That's my dream room, with my dream location. I think heaven must be a little like that.

  2. Oh, this is absolutely gorgeous! My idea of heaven :-)

  3. Yes, beautiful piece! Would love to have that hanging in my living room now :)


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