Today's question is only marginally about LibraryThing but I thought it might be a fun question anyway. It's more about blogging. Everyone who participates in Tuesday Thingers has a blog- some have a book blog, some have several, some have blogs that are more personal, etc.- and we've all chosen to participate in this particular way of networking to build traffic, get to know each other, etc. So my question is: what other weekly memes or round robins do you participate in? Is this the only one? Why Tuesday Thingers and not some other weekly Tuesday meme? Or do you do more than one?
I'm relatively new to blogging, so I'm still trying to figure out what's a comfortable fit for me. I learned about memes from Library Thing, and Tuesday Thingers was the very first one I decided to try. From there I've branched out to Booking Through Thursday and Friday Fill-Ins. Right now, three memes feel right for me. I may try out more, only time will tell. I am enjoying myself with these three. A lot of my enjoyment has to do with the fact that for seven years, I was the Question Master in a Usenet news group. Every Monday, I had to post a set of six questions for everyone. It generated tons of discussions, laughs, commiserations, and a few disagreements. But after almost three thousand questions, I called it quits. My brain was fried. So it's wonderful for me to be able to sit down and have the questions already supplied for me!
I do three as well -- it's a nice, manageable number, I think.
ReplyDeleteI think those three are pretty popular, those are the ones that I have tried. Sweet dreams:)
ReplyDeleteWow, I'd have trouble coming up with just one question every week! I can't imagine having to do six. No wonder you're enjoying having somebody else ask the questions!
ReplyDeleteIt is nice to have someone else do the thinking isn't it?
ReplyDeleteI do have great respect for anyone who can come up with discussion questions week after week. I toyed with adding one to each of my reviews, but so far only one has been published with one. It's so much effort!
ReplyDeleteI also think more than three would be a little overwhelming. I am considering adding a fourth, but I haven't decided between two ... I don't know if that will get overwhelming and outweigh the book aspect of my blog, though, which is the last thing I want!
ReplyDeleteAnd Bostonbibliophile's been coming up with some excellent prompts.
ReplyDeleteThe people behind the weekly memes deserve so much recognition for the work they put forth. I envy the creative ability necessary to provide interesting questions and assignments every week.
ReplyDeleteWow that's a lot of questions :) I'm so glad all I have to do for Tuesday thingers is answer!
ReplyDeleteSorry if you get this more than once... blogger wouldn't let me comment last time I tried.
Thanks to everyone for stopping by my blog this week!
ReplyDeleteI do have the greatest respect for anyone who can come up with discussion questions week after week. Been there, done that, smoked my brain cells! LOL At least with relegating myself to the answer only side of the memes, I'm exercising another part of my brain.
Boston Bibliophile does come up with excellent prompts, and she deserves a big round of applause.
Kathleen--I feel for you. I had the same trouble posting a comment on someone else's blog last night. Naturally it showed up twice, but at least I was still hanging around so I could throw one in the wastecan! (Yours only showed up once!)
I'm heading off to bed to finish Into the Forest by Jean Hegland. Excellent book so far. I'm afraid I'll be reading and humming ABBA songs at the same time. A friend and I went to see "Mamma Mia!" this afternoon. I LOVED IT!