Sunday, January 16, 2011

New Series: Scene of the Crime!

Beginning January 24, there will be a new feature on Mondays here at Kittling: Books. It's called Scene of the Crime, and each week I'll be posting a short interview with one of my favorite crime fiction authors, as well as talking about their latest book or other topics.

Be sure to stop by to check it out, and please-- spread the word!

First up on January 24 is an author near and dear to my heart: J.A. Jance.


  1. Sounds great! Believe it or not, I haven't read any by Jance. Eek!

  2. Oh - this sounds like fun! I look forward to reading it.

  3. I can hardly wait - J. A. Jance! This is such a good idea; I'm looking forward to these posts.

  4. Cathy - What a wonderful idea! I am excited about it :-).

  5. Thanks, everyone! I hope this lives up to your expectations (and mine)!

  6. Sounds like fun! Can't wait to read the interviews!

  7. Cool! Think you can get them to send you a picture of where they write? :)

  8. Very cool feature. I can't wait!

  9. Gilion-- I thought about that, but I don't want to be known as a one hit wonder, although... perhaps having a franchise sort of thing like CSI or Law & Order might be a good thing?? ;)

  10. Great idea! I love the tag too haha

  11. Kris-- I was wondering if someone would mention that. It fits in with my preference for Dias de los Muertos.


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