
Thursday, June 06, 2024

The Eyes Don't Have It Weekly Link Round-Up


At this writing, Denis and I are awaiting the results of our doctor visits and doing the usual chores around the house. Yawn-worthy news, to be sure, so I'll share a photo of the mail I've recently received.

Those of you who are faithful followers (bless you!), know that I've known about these books for months. I pre-ordered them all, and I've been eagerly awaiting their arrivals. So what happens? Naturally, they all show up at the same time. I need a couple of extra pairs of eyes because I want to read them all simultaneously!

May all the bumps in your roads be as "major". Enjoy the links!

►Books & Other Interesting Tidbits◄
►Book Banning & Censorship◄

►Channeling My Inner Indiana Jones◄
►Channeling My Inner Elly May Clampett◄
  • Galena, the box-loving cat in Lehi, Utah, accidentally got shipped to an Amazon return center in California. (That's okay. I almost packed my dog in one of my suitcases when I was going on a business trip. I learned very quickly to keep checking to make sure he hadn't hidden himself away again!)
  • Rescuers saved 130 beached pilot whales in Western Australia after a mass stranding.
  • 100 weird and wonderful medieval dog names.
  • An extremely rare blue rock thrush spotted in Oregon might be the first ever in the United States.
  • How should Colorado handle its booming moose population?
  • Four zebras escaped from a trailer on a Washington State Highway, and one was still on the loose.
  • The famous "Grizzly Bear 399" in Grand Teton National Park has emerged from hibernation with her four new cubs.
  • In a first, an orangutan healed his own wound using a known medicinal plant.
►The Wanderer◄
►Fascinating Folk◄
►I ♥ Lists◄


That's all for this week! Don't forget to stop by next Friday when I'll be sharing a freshly selected batch of links for your surfing pleasure.

No matter how busy you may be, don't forget that quality Me Time curled up with a good book!


  1. I've had that happen, too, Cathy, where books all arrive at once. It is hard to decide which one you're going to read first, and your books all look great. I hope you and Denis both get good news. You can let me know when I get back from that necropolis...

    1. Well... my appointment has been rescheduled for July, and Denis's followup with the doctor had to be changed to a visit with the surgeon who performed his back surgery. It's a "surgical consult" which would appear to mean that he has more surgery in his future.

  2. Of course the books all show up at once. That always happens to me with library holds. It's like they plan it. ;D Hope you have a lovely weekend.

  3. Ah, yes. Burning books - that'll get rid of all those nasty ideas! A movement whose time seems to have arrived. At least in certain quarters. What a time we live in.

    1. I hope I live long enough to see us through to the other side.

  4. Ah, well, we both know you'll never run out of books this way, right? Enjoy all three of your new books!

    1. Endless TBR piles seem to stress some people out, but mine is my security blanket.

  5. Books arriving all at the same time is a good 'problem' to have - and at least you don't have to worry about library due dates! I'm curious which one you'll choose to start first.

    1. I decided to read them in the order I opened the boxes... Craig Johnson's First Frost.

  6. I've never had that problem. If I had, I would not share the link. It could be that it's a link to a video clip, and your computer doesn't have the proper software to run the clip. Who knows? What drives me nuts are the popups telling me to disable my ad blocker. I have no intentions of buying anything they're trying to sell, so why should I disable anything??


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