
Sunday, April 02, 2023

March 2023 Additions to My Digital Security Blanket


If my digital book-buying restraint continues, I'm going to have to retire this series of posts! To be honest, bargains have been few and far between, and those that do put a twinkle in my eye are quickly shot down. If I've already got five unread books by a certain author on my Kindle, it's gotten easier for me not to buy the sixth just because it's on sale and I might get around to reading it one of these decades.
Let me tell you about the three books I did buy last month. I've grouped them according to genre/subgenre, and if you click the link in the book's title, you'll be taken to Amazon US where you can learn more about the book.
=== Thriller ===

Murder Your Employer: The McMasters Guide to Homicide by Rupert Holmes. Set in New York City and other-- often undisclosed-- locations. 

I'd been seeing this book hither and yon, and I must admit that the title did tickle my imagination, but it wasn't until I read Luanne's review of the audiobook version that I did anything about that tickle. I'm in the process of listening to it now, and I'm really enjoying it. I'm also happy to say that I watched the event with Holmes courtesy of The Poisoned Pen, and he's busy writing the second book in the series. I really like the way this man's mind works!

===Police Procedural===

What She Found
by Robert Dugoni. Set in Washington.

I really enjoy Dugoni's Tracy Crosswhite series and couldn't resist buying the newest one even though I'm behind in reading the series. Tracy's career in law enforcement and her personal life have been interesting, to say the least, and I don't want to miss any of its ups and downs.

Forsaken Country
by Allen Eskens. Set in Minnesota.

Having recently read one of Eskens' marvelous books and having been reminded that his writing has never disappointed me (in fact half of his books that I've read have ended up on my Best Reads lists), I couldn't pass up this particular sale.
That's it. Three books. Have you read any of them? Did I manage to add any to your own Need-to-Read lists? Do tell! Inquiring minds would love to know!


  1. The title of the Holmes really appeals to me, too, Cathy! I'm intrigued now, and I very much look forward to your review when you're ready to post it!

    1. Yes, I need to finish listening to the end of the book!

  2. I keep meaning to read Dugoni's series; this is a reminder. And, I am also afan of Esken's

    1. They're both good writers, although I think Eskens has the edge.

  3. I'm glad I'm not the only one behind in Dugoni's Tracy Crosswhite series. And that book Murder Your Employer does sound like a fun one. I've got it on my TBR list. :D

    1. I'm really enjoying Holmes' droll sense of humor and his imagination.

  4. I need more humor lately, so I'll take a look at the first one - and what better name for a mystery writer than Holmes? :)

    I've already read and enjoyed the Dugoni; I have another one of his on my hold list at the library. I haven't read anything by Eskens yet, so you've reminded me about him. I didn't make a note of this particular title because I already have the first two books in this series on my TBR list, in keeping with your comment about how many books to stockpile in advance.

    1. I've thought the same thing about the author's name, Kate! LOL

      I'd be proud of myself for the job I'm doing of limiting my stockpile... if I'd been doing it longer.

  5. I read "Forsaken Country" last year and liked it quite a lot.


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