
Tuesday, July 05, 2022

Another Artful Doppelgänger

Last week, I showed you a painting by James Tissot of a gentleman that bore an uncanny resemblance to my husband. This week, I thought I'd share another doppelgänger with you. Take a look at this painting--

The Reader by Ferdinand Heilbuth, 1856

Does it remind you of anyone?

How about the actor Elijah Wood who portrayed Frodo in the Lord of the Rings movies?

Elijah Wood

I still hope that, if I do have a doppelgänger, she's in an old painting somewhere!


  1. Yes. This is a good likeness or doppelganger. Maybe you should start checking art from the land of your ancestors. I once saw a photo of a woman in Ireland about 10 or so years ago in a magazine, while I was in a doctor's waiting room. She looked like me. That was my only such experience.

    1. Nah... I'm worried that I might find her, and besides, I already have too much to do!

    2. That is true, and everything is a project.

  2. That was my first thought when I saw the picture, Cathy - "It looks like Elijah Wood!' It's so interesting how there can be that uncanny resemblance between people who aren't related (that they know of) and not even from the same area, etc... I'm glad you've started this feature - I find it fascinating.

    1. Well, I wouldn't say that this is a feature as I have yet to find other doppelgängers...

  3. Wow! I would have thought that was Elijah Wood.

    1. It does look as though Wood sat for his portrait, doesn't it?

  4. Wow. The resemblance is remarkable! Maybe that's him in a past life. ;D

  5. I was actually about to suggest that looked an awful lot like a hobbit, and then paged down and saw your comments.

  6. I'm starting to think that you're on to something here. Fascinating.

  7. That's exactly who came to mind from the first image. I'm enjoying these :)


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