
Monday, March 08, 2021

Quick Health Update

Just a quick update. I had to go to the emergency room Friday and wound up being admitted to the hospital where I was pumped full of antibiotics for my leg. After some rapid improvement, and due to the fact that my doctor didn't want me to miss this morning's first COVID-19 shot, I was discharged Sunday afternoon.

I'll be seeing the wound care physician on Friday, and I've decided that I'm going to be taking it on a day-to-day basis as to whether or not I post something here. For those of you who gave me tips on the use of a laptop... I know how to use a laptop, and I do have a lap desk to put it on so I can keep my leg elevated. The problem I have concerns the fact that my fingers loathe a laptop keyboard. If it were exactly the size of my keyboard here, and if the keys were in the exact same positions, it wouldn't be a problem, but it's not and they aren't. I still may give it another shot, but-- frankly-- I have other things on my mind at the moment. 

On a happier note, I am getting a lot of reading and knitting done.

Carry on, Friends. I'll be with you when I can!


  1. Hoping your care is managed accordingly and that the leg heals quickly. As for the keyboard... I use voice to text sometimes because I just don't want to type. It's not perfect but you can tweak and make corrections here and there.

    1. I used the laptop today more than I have for months and months because Denis let me borrow his cordless mouse. I had overdue work for The Poisoned Pen that involved 99% "mousing" and that cordless baby worked like a dream.

  2. Wishing you a speedy recovery Cathy! I understand completely having more important things on your mind than doing blog entries. And I also understand about typing on a laptop - not something I would want to do either. That said, if your physical arrangement of the laptop would work out you can always attach an inexpensive wireless keyboard / mouse to the laptop.
    Looking forward to your return - rest, take your time, we'll be here.

  3. Take care of yourself, Cathy. We're all rooting for you, and looking forward to a full recovery for you. Hang in there.

    1. I am. Just trying to make my peace with a round of medical appointments just when we were starting to have some fun. Ah well.

  4. Oh, my! I am so terribly sorry to hear this, Cathy! It sounds horrible! Thinking of you and wishing you well. Rest, rest, rest...

    1. As soon as I respond to the rest of these comments, I'm going to bed with my book!

  5. Praying for a speedy recovery! Take all the time you need for your leg to heal before you worry about us (though an occasional update will be welcome).

    I know exactly what you mean about laptop keyboards (and have the same issue with my iPad as well), so I sympathize. It always feels as though using one slows down both my typing and my thinking, which increases the frustration. Don't let that add more stress to your days when you're already dealing with your leg - wait until you really want to use the laptop, or until you're well enough to use your preferred computer. Enjoy the reading, and saving up notes for future posts.

    And don't think that your reference to your first vaccine shot today went unnoticed - I hope that went well!

    1. It went beautifully. Didn't feel a thing and no side effects whatsoever.

    2. Oh, that's good! Still praying for a speedy, full recovery :)

  6. Best wiehes for a full recovery. Your health comes first.

    On the laptop, I got a new laptop a few years ago. The keyboard was different from my previous one; keys are in different posiitons. I had to type to the left rather than in the center of the keyboard. I thought I'd never adapt, but I eventually did.

    Anyway, that is secondary. Your health is primary.

    Best wiehs to you.

  7. Get well soon. Thinking about you.

  8. I’m sorry to hear this, wishing you a fast & strong recovery.
    PS, When you feel up to it, you should be able to plug your computer keyboard into your laptop via USB and use it

  9. So sorry to hear about your setback, Cathy. Read, knit, stay as comfortable as you can. Glad you were able to get your first Covid shot.

  10. Glad you were going to get your first Covid shot. I hope you received it. I got mine about a week ago. Take care of yourself, which I know you will. Hopefully your quick response to the cellulitis nipped it in the bud early. You knew what you were dealing with off the start this time. Thinking about you. Hope you are feeling good soon to help celebrate Denis's retirement.

    1. I can't wait to get these medical appointments over and done with so we can get back to having some fun!

  11. Which vaccine did you get? I'm afraid of bad side effects, can't get flu vaccines. I'm interested in the reactions to particular vaccines.

    1. My son, who is 24, got the Pfizer vaccine. The first dose was just a little painful and his arm felt heavy. The second dose had him laid up with a low grade fever and achiness for 24 hours. Other co-workers of his received the Moderna vaccine. Two of them, both late 20's to early 30's, went home early with a low grade fever and aches after their second dose, so the reaction was very similar to the Pfizer vaccine.

      Hope this helps.

    2. Denis and I got the Pfizer vaccine, Kathy.

  12. Thinking about you, Cathy! Hope you are up and about soon.

  13. Just checking in! You will definitely get lots of reading and knitting done. And I hope the first shot went ok!

    1. It did. I didn't feel a thing, no side effects, and Denis and I were really impressed by how everything is set up at the Arizona State Fairgrounds. Once I get my wireless keyboard for my laptop, I should start posting more.

  14. Ack! I'm sorry to hear your infection flared up. Stuff like that does always seem to happen when you're getting ready to do something you were looking forward to. Hoping for a speedy recovery!

  15. The second shot got me more than the first.


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