
Wednesday, December 04, 2019

On My Radar: Paige Shelton's The Stolen Letter

After yesterday's review of Thin Ice, this post makes it an unofficial Paige Shelton Week, and I can't think of a nicer person to spend a week with. When I learned that Paige had another Scottish Bookshop mystery coming out, you know what I did. Yes, one of my little happy dances. Scotland. Bookshop. Paige. How can you go wrong?

Let's learn a bit more about the book that will be released in April 2020.

Available April 7, 2020!

"Delaney Nichols is confident she’s doing what she loves—case in point, just one day after returning from her fabulous European honeymoon, she’s eager to get back to the Cracked Spine, the bookstore where she works. But as she disembarks her bus and hurries toward the shop she and another woman collide, sending a stack of books the woman is carrying to the ground. 

Delaney’s hapless victim’s name is Mary and the two women can’t help but notice that they bear an uncanny resemblance to one another. According to Mary, they both also look like the long-beheaded Mary Queen of Scots. Even stranger, Mary believes she is the reincarnation of the Scottish queen. But peculiar as Delaney’s doppelganger is, she doesn’t have time to dwell on it: on her arrival to the bookshop, she learns the Edinburgh city council wants to close the Cracked Spine, citing code violations, and she’s determined to stop them.

But when Mary’s husband dies in a car explosion—and Delaney learns he was the very member of the city council who proposed that the city take a closer look at the bookshop’s construction—she starts to wonder if her meeting with Mary wasn’t an accident. Edinburgh has become as filled with intrigue and deception as any European court, and Delaney is determined to get to the bottom of this royal mystery."

Scotland. Bookshop. Paige. AND Mary Queen of Scots? Sign me up for a copy of The Stolen Letter! (Isn't the cover great?)


  1. That does sound like a really interesting plot, Cathy. And, as you say, you can't go wrong with a Scottish setting and a bookshop theme! Hope you'll enjoy it. Oh, and I noticed you're reading Tarquin Hall's The Case of the Reincarnated Client. I hope you're enjoying it. I like that series quite a lot.

    1. I love the Vish Puri series, and as soon as I'm done here, I'm off to read some more!

  2. I need to try that Scottish bookshop series and I'm also delighted to see a new Tarquin Hall book!


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