Thursday, January 25, 2024

A Fodder and Celebration Weekly Link Round-Up


"Revolving Door" Week was last week at Casa Kittling. This week, there are most of the usual chores, but Denis and I are looking to do something a bit different since it's my birthday and our twenty-second anniversary Wednesday. (As you can see, I'm getting this week's posts done ahead of time.)

We were looking forward to going to the Desert Botanical Garden, but the weather forecast calls for wet, chilly, and overcast for most of the week, so we've decided to do something indoors. Our plans are to visit the Phoenix Art Museum. Denis has never been there, and I haven't visited since the 1980s when a visiting exhibition of Impressionist art was in town. (I stood in front of one of Monet's Water Lily paintings and wished I could sneak it off the museum wall and onto one of my own.) In checking the museum's website, I can see that it's undergone many changes in almost forty years. There are several collections that I want to see, and I certainly want to see the Thorne Rooms again. We're looking forward to a celebratory stroll through the place.

Last week, I mentioned that I was waiting for some yarn to be delivered-- fodder for future projects. It did get here, although I do wonder if the packer of the second delivery couldn't've found a bigger box to put the three skeins of yarn in!

I hope you're all staying warm and dry. Enjoy the links!

►Books & Other Interesting Tidbits◄
►Book Banning & Censorship◄

►Channeling My Inner Indiana Jones◄
►Channeling My Inner Elly May Clampett◄
►The Wanderer◄
►Fascinating Folk◄
►I ♥ Lists◄

That's all for this week! Don't forget to stop by next Friday when I'll be sharing a freshly selected batch of links for your surfing pleasure.

No matter how busy you may be, don't forget that quality Me Time curled up with a good book!


  1. How exciting, Cathy, and I hope you have a lovely birthday/anniversary! That yarn is fantastic. I can just see the creativity flowing. Now, I'm off to Egypt - have a great weekend!

  2. Happy birthday/anniversary to you and thanks, as always for the roundup. "That octopus book" was possibly my favorite read of last year so I'm gratified to see it on other "favorite" lists. That Cattle Tyrant has indeed caused quite a stir among birders in Texas and even those from far afield who have traveled here to see it. (Birders are more than a bit crazy you know!)

    1. "That octopus book" was probably my favorite read of last year, too. And as for birders, I'm thrilled to bits that we have spotted towhees spending the winter with us again!

    2. Love towhees in all their iterations. I remember fondly the Rufous-sided Towhees from where I grew up.

  3. Happy Birthday to you, and Happy Anniversary to you and Denis!!

  4. Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary, too! :D

  5. Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary. As always, thanks for the links. I also liked the "octopus" book with Marcellus. And it was a comfort read, too with a good protagonist who got some closure with Marcellus' help. And a question: Where did you see the book bag with that great slogan? Inquiring minds want to know (and possibly purchase).

    1. I found it online somewhere, but so far I haven't been able to find the link for you. I'll keep looking!


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